Friday, August 26, 2011

Deadly Abdominal Fat!

It does not take science to figure out that the majority of individuals in society possess a vast amount of belly fat in their mid sections. In fact, too many people are carrying excess abdominal fat, and they do not even realize that this type of fat accumulation, specifically in the stomach region, is a big indicator that they could suffer from some major health risks and problems. For years studies have been conducted in regards to the ratio of body fat that is unhealthy. 

These studies have conduced that those people who have a higher ratio of body fat also have an increased risk of experiencing health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, ill mobility, high cholesterol, risk of stroke, cardiovascular problems, sleep apnea, and respiratory problems. These health epidemics are skyrocketing due to the world wide increase of obese individuals. In fact, here are some shocking statistics and proof that obesity and disease linked with obesity is out of control:

40 Million Obese;
58 million overweight:
3 Million morbidly Obese
8 individuals out of every 10 over 25 are in the overweight category of the BMI: 
78% of American’s do not meet their basic activity level recommendations
25% are Sedentary

Since 1990, 76% increase in Type II diabetes in adults from 30-40 years old
However, the individuals who have more belly fat are the ones that are exposed to even more serious risks than if the fat is consisted and distributed evenly throughout the body. The fat that is the most hazardous to the better of one’s health is that called visceral fat. This is the fat that is retained and stored around the body’s vital organs. However, there is also subcutaneous fat that is located behind the abdominal muscles that also places a candidate in the high risk category for serious weight related diseases and health issues. Although eating and food is very enjoyable, putting yourself and optimal health at risk for a double cheeseburger would hardly seem worth it, especially when you take these risk factors and substantial statistics into consideration. People are compromising their quality of life, and indulging themselves right into shortening their life spans. In order to make this grave change, and to improve your overall health and quality of life, you should consider making the necessary efforts in your lifestyle to incorporate a well-balanced diet, optimal nutrition, and regular exercise to better your health risks of certain diseases associated with belly fat. When you really think of it, is it worth shortening your life, or living a decreased quality of life to eat whatever you want, be sedentary, and just merely exist. Life is too short to not consider the consequences that may follow when you live an unhealthy lifestyle, and possess an excess of belly and abdominal fat that could cost you your life.

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