Friday, August 26, 2011

Misconceptions About Weight Lifting!

Don't get caught up in the hullabaloo that's circulating about weight training! Resistance training can be VERY BENEFICIAL! There are many false assumptions about weight
Many people are reluctant to train with weights because they mistakenly believethat muscle will turn into fat if they
were to stop their workout programs. This is simply not true. Just as a brokenleg will atrophy while in a cast,
a muscle that is not worked will shrink, not turn into fat!!!!

Another misconception that a lot of people have, especially women, is that weight training will build bulky muscle rather than lean muscle. Weight training is a slippery slope for a lot of women and some men. Many are afraid of bulking up and skip it altogether, while others use lighter weights to avoid looking too muscular. The accepted logic is that heavier weights equal big muscles and using lighter weights is the best way to slim down and maintain toned muscles. –Not So.
Using heavier weights is more slimming than you think. Bulking up is all about caloric intake. If you want to gain big, you have to eat big. Most body builders have extreme calorie loading diets, so in fact, women who weight train will not bulk up like men unless they have higher-than-average levels of testosterone or take steroids. 

Women do gain lean muscle but tend to actually look slimmer rather than bulkier when they lift weights because muscle is denser than the fat it replaces and takes up less space.

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